
Road maps, worksheets, and guidelines.  To order a complete hard copy set of all of all the “road maps” and other give-aways mentioned on this website, please click here or, to order by mail, send $10 (for cost of producing and s/h) with your name and address to:


FOWL Forum.  For more information, read here.  To contact France Marcott about scheduling a Forum, click here for contact information.

Speaker.  Rev. France Marcott is available for other speaking engagements such as conferences or retreats.  To schedule, click here for contact information.

LifeStory Report.  For more information about the LifeStory Report and how it can help you discern your career direction or vocation, read here.  For contact information or to send an email to Art of Thriving, click here.

Life Coaching.  For more about receiving life coaching for learning to thrive, learning to find your vocation, and other areas, read here.  For contact information or to send an email to Art of Thriving, click here.